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+    What is Pest ?

We can say about a type of organism that is responsible to spread diseases in surrounding areas that cause very harmful or sometimes very dangerous for human health. So in real meaning it is a creature that is very destructive for human being. It loads parasites of diseases and spreads them here to there. But some pest are very useful also like dragon fly which eats other harmful insects and lady beetles eats scale and other insects so all the community of insects or pest are not harmful but it is beneficial these type of communities in a limited on the earth.So we can resolute pest an insect Mostly harmful for human being.For instance weeds, scale, bed bug, mosquito, lizard, termite, house fly, rodents and many more.We can place some small harmful plants also in pest’s categories.

+    What are the advantages and disadvantages of pests ?

Mostly the advantageous insects are very rare like dragon fly which mostly eats mosquitoes and lady beetles, earthworms etc. But mostly they cause Problems for human health and make human promises ugly and create hidden negative effects on human hygiene that can not be identified by a human being at initial State but when they get their dangerous form at that time a person recognizesthese harms. So destructive community of insects likely called pest most of the time harmful and disadvantageous for human hygiene and for environment also. They spread diseases in climate. Weeds, mosquitoes, house flies, termites, bedbugs, rodents and many more are its examples.

+    How can be manage the pests ?

It is a confusing but very important question that how should be manage the pests. Many people try many remedies and stuffs like spray, coils, incense, poisioneous liquids but they do not give result properly or permanently. So for these pests can be managed by the pest control remedies permanently or effectively. In other remedies people forget to manage the pest again and again but the specialist pest control team maintains time to time your premises about the pest condition and provide appropriate solution. So an effective pest control is a necessary requirement of modern society. And for this everyone must be aware about these harmful pests that must be cure before they perform their bed impact on human society.

+    To choose a Pest Control Company what should i look ?

You need to look a company ,who has complete scientific solution for pest control and a trained qualified skilled staff for this job.

+    Is pest control safe for new born babies ?

Though pesticides designed for control of household insects are formulated at low concentration levels ,but still we recommend that you should avoid pest control for few months ,till you start walk outside with new born baby.

+    What is the difference between residual and non residual pesticides ?

As name itself is suggesting ,the effect of non residual pesticide is lasts for few minutes or few hours and they are to be used for flies and aunts . But the effect of residual pesticide is lasts for few days to few months . It will depend on the purpose of pest control ,for example Termitisides are example of insecticides with very long residual effect . They are applied in the soil under homes to prevent subterranean termites from attacking.

+    How can i prevent summer bugs from ruining my backyard ?

You can call our representative. A highly trained Pest Control specialist person will knock your door. He will inspect ,assess the situation and will provide suitable solution to match your needs.
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