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Allergy by Cockroaches

Cockroaches secrete proteins in their feces, saliva, body parts like wings or shaded body parts. Many humans immune system overreacts to these proteins and produces a reaction. This is called allergy to Cockroaches.


Cockroach protein when enters in a human body and the body rejects it, it produces certain reactionary conditions. These are called allergic condition. People may inhale the Cockroach body shadings, feces or saliva or these may get mixed up with human food or drinks and enter in human system, to produce certain symptoms. They may include itchy skin or nose, scratchy throat, production of allergic asthma. Anaphylaxis, the most severe and fatal allergic reaction may also occur with cockroach allergens.


Persons with hypersensitive immune system overreacts to proteins produced by cockroaches when either they are inhaled, swallowed or these come in contact with human skin. The process of sensitization triggers the body white blood corpuscles to treat these proteins as bacteria and start producing antibodies to attack these allergens. This in turn triggers the release of histamines in the body which produce the allergic symptoms. These may be running nose, watery eyes, sneezing, body itching or asthma.


Common allergy symptoms to cockroaches may be…………..

1 Sneezing
2 Running nose
3 Itchy and watery eyes
4 Nasal congestion
5 Post nasal drips
6 Cough
7 Irritability
8 Facial pressure and pain
9 Swollen and blue colored skin
10 Skin rashes
11 Hives on skin
12 Allergic rhinitis
13 Rhino conjunctivitis
14 Sinusitis
15 Itchy nose and throat
16 Allergic asthma


A cockroach allergy test is the confirmatory test of allergy due to cockroach. Skin test by scratches of skin be exposed to cockroacoches as confirmation test, Allergen specific immune globins tests to determine patients sensitivity to cockroaches, are generally done to confirm cockroach allergy of the person.

If this test is 50% to 90% positive, the person is declared allergic to cockroachers and is put under treatment for cockroach allergy.


These are basically general allergy treatments.

1 Avoid contacts with cockroaches and cockroach proteins
2 Appoint professional cockroach exterminator to destroy cockroaches.
3 Use common antihistamine preparations to counter allergy symptoms
4 Use nasal spray to counter nasal congestions
5 Allergen immunotherapy may help subside symptoms
6 Allergic asthma patients are benefitted with bronchodilators and corticosteroid inhalers.
7 Pest control is to be a long term measure in the patient house hold.
